
3 Steams Total

“Yoni” is the Sanskrit name for vagina, and translates to "sacred portal”. Vaginal steams are an ancient practice used in different cultures around the world and a holistic way to heal our womb and menstrual cycle. Vaginal steams uses different herbs and flowers, depending on your individual needs or menstrual condition. They aid in balancing our menstrual cycle, and may help heal conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, infertility, irregular cycles, absent cycles, menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding, bloating, amenorrhea, you name it! It is also used in helping a woman heal her vaginal tissue and womb after giving birth, having a miscarriage, or who has undergone an abortion. Yoni steams also have positive energetic healing effects, they help release stagnant energy in the womb, energy of past lovers, release sexual trauma energy stored there, and help us connect deeper with the power of our womb and sexuality, enhancing our libido and promoting a healthy relationship with our bodies.

Warning: Yoni Steams use is contradicted and not recommended if you use any sort of IUD

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3 Steams Total

“Yoni” is the Sanskrit name for vagina, and translates to "sacred portal”. Vaginal steams are an ancient practice used in different cultures around the world and a holistic way to heal our womb and menstrual cycle. Vaginal steams uses different herbs and flowers, depending on your individual needs or menstrual condition. They aid in balancing our menstrual cycle, and may help heal conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, infertility, irregular cycles, absent cycles, menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding, bloating, amenorrhea, you name it! It is also used in helping a woman heal her vaginal tissue and womb after giving birth, having a miscarriage, or who has undergone an abortion. Yoni steams also have positive energetic healing effects, they help release stagnant energy in the womb, energy of past lovers, release sexual trauma energy stored there, and help us connect deeper with the power of our womb and sexuality, enhancing our libido and promoting a healthy relationship with our bodies.

Warning: Yoni Steams use is contradicted and not recommended if you use any sort of IUD

3 Steams Total

“Yoni” is the Sanskrit name for vagina, and translates to "sacred portal”. Vaginal steams are an ancient practice used in different cultures around the world and a holistic way to heal our womb and menstrual cycle. Vaginal steams uses different herbs and flowers, depending on your individual needs or menstrual condition. They aid in balancing our menstrual cycle, and may help heal conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, infertility, irregular cycles, absent cycles, menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding, bloating, amenorrhea, you name it! It is also used in helping a woman heal her vaginal tissue and womb after giving birth, having a miscarriage, or who has undergone an abortion. Yoni steams also have positive energetic healing effects, they help release stagnant energy in the womb, energy of past lovers, release sexual trauma energy stored there, and help us connect deeper with the power of our womb and sexuality, enhancing our libido and promoting a healthy relationship with our bodies.

Warning: Yoni Steams use is contradicted and not recommended if you use any sort of IUD

“Conectar con nuestro útero, sagrado femenino es un portal para conectar con nuestro poder. Los yoni steams son un medio para autocuidado, es una pausa para prestar atencion y asi conectar conmigo misma con mi propia sabiduría. Cada hierba tiene un propósito distinto pero la intención es la misma, hacernos bien, reconectar. A través de las hierbas, el calor, la respiración, la meditación y la intención, se hace un espacio para reconectar con la memoria, se hace espacio para conectar con la primera relación que es la que tenemos con nosotras mismas. Nuestro útero está muy conectado a nuestro corazón, escucha y presta atención. Esto es todo lo que he logrado canalizar en conexión a mi corazón (utero), cuando conectas con esa memoria, renace el poder que siempre ha estado en ti.”